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Cherokee-Lemp Special Business District
September 2023  Minutes

Board Meeting was held on September 7, 2023 at 9AM

Location:  1820 Cherokee Street

               Office 102

               St. Louis, MO 63118

Cherokee-Lemp Special Business District
September 7, 2023
Status:  Approved

September 7, 2023

COMMISSIONERS PRESENT – John Brauer, Shashi Palamand, Mark Farley, Barbara Moore


GUEST PRESENT – Keith Saunchegraw, Lisa Otke

1.      Call to Order

2.      Approval of August 3, 2023 Minutes – Approved

3.      Problem Properties – 2117-19, 1921-23 Cherokee Street. We will write a letter, if necessary.

4.      Treasury Report -The beginning balance in August was $15,161.08. We paid STL Programs $175 and Foehnec $200 (music). Our income from the parking lot was $900, leaving us with a balance of $15,691.08. We have an outstanding check of $720 to CTM (brochure distribution 2 months). Barb suggested we need a debit card to pay bills online.

5.      Traveler’s Insurance – Workman’s Compensation Audit – Shashi is still working with our insurance company, so far, no penalty. Shashi made a motion that we do not provide insurance to other groups, Mark 2nd, all in favor and the motion passed.

6.      Website Update – Mark will add the Bourbon Fest and Cookie Spree to the website. The website is running smoothly without any downtime. Anyone wanting to add an event, please contact John. Mark will investigate adding SEO and QR codes on the website and future advertising. Shashi made a motion to do $200 - $300 month to month to begin SEO, John 2nd, all in favor and the motion passed.

7.      Neighborhood Directories – We will advertise in the Brentwood Directory this month, and the Kirkwood Directory in December. We have decided to advertise in the Clayton and CWE directories next.

8.      Neighborhood Signs – Waiting for a quote from Legina Taylor at Big Difference on 34 signs, pre-cut blanks.

9.      40th Annual Cookie Spree, December 2, 2023 – A meeting date has not been set.

10.    Adjournment and other News – John has contacted Cara Spencer about getting speed bumps for Cherokee Street.

Next meeting is 9 am on October 5, 2023 at St. Louis Paranormal Research, 1820 Cherokee Street.

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