Cherokee Lemp Business District
St. Louis, Missouri
Cherokee-Lemp Special Business District
April 2023 Minutes
Board Meeting was held on April 6, 2023 at 9AM
Location: 1820 Cherokee Street
Office 102
St. Louis, MO 63118
Cherokee-Lemp Special Business District
April 6, 2023
Status: Approved
April 6, 2023
Commissioners Present – John Brauer, Shashi Palamand, Mark Farley, Barb Moore
Commissioners Absent – Mark Overton excused.
Guests Present – Cherri Elder, Keith Saunchegraw, Quiana Baxton, Bill Standard
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of March 2, 2023, Minutes – Approved
3. Treasury Report – The beginning balance in March was $12,541.76. We paid CTM $150 for brochure redesign and Mark Farley $605.53 for the webpage leaving a balance of $11,785.76.
4. Cataloguing miscellaneous items in Cherokee Lemp SBD – The insurance renewal will be finished in two weeks including the miscellaneous items.
5. Web Page Update – The web page is running with no problems. There haven’t been any event requests, we had one shop added.
6. Trash Cans – Tabled until May.
7. Cherokee Caravan – Shannon will submit a proposal; John is recuperating from a heart attack.
8. Advertising – Cherokee has the lowest distribution in the Directory. We will decide who we want to target in advertising in the neighborhood directories. Mark will talk to Tammy Brownfield to see if we can get a package deal, he will also research the Illinois directory for advertising. We should design a new Cherokee ad.
9. Brochure Update – The brochure is at the printer and the web address has been updated. We should have the brochures within a couple of weeks.
10. Beautification – We will pay $50 for flowers in front of store fronts.
11. Music on Cherokee – Music will begin in May, every other week. Mark will speak to Jimmy Gunn at Brewhouse Studios.
12. Update on Board Vacancies – The application is on
13 Adjournment
Next meeting is 9 am on May 4th, 2023 at St Louis Paranormal Research, 1820 Cherokee Street.