Cherokee Lemp Business District
St. Louis, Missouri
Cherokee-Lemp Special Business District
December 2023 Minutes
Board Meeting was held on December 7, 2023 at 9AM
Location: 1820 Cherokee Street
Office 102
St. Louis, MO 63118
Cherokee-Lemp Special Business District
December 7, 2023
Status: Approved
December 7, 2023
Commissioners Present – John Brauer, Shashi Palamand, Mark Farley, Barb Moore
Commissioners Absent – Mark Overton
Guests Present – Lisa Otke, Isaiah Santiago
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of November 2, 2023 Minutes – Approved
3. Treasury Report – The beginning balance in November was $12,384.00. We paid Ink Spot $52.37, CTM (brochure distribution) $360, Doug Foeher (music) $200, Cookie Spree (wreathes) $201, STL Ladue Directory (ad) $175, STL Renaissance (ad) $200, Keith Saunchegraw Cookie Spree $62.87, leaving us a balance of $10,761.62. The bank adjusted an item that paid for an incorrect amount. Check for $375 posted as $3.75. The annual budget is due in November and an annual report in March.
4. Website Update- Mark – PayPal wants a name to set up SEO to be responsible for taxes. Mark will talk to WIX about options to set up a SEO with a debit card. City Kitty has requested to be removed from the Website and Lady Jane has been added. The website hits are up.
5. Neighborhood Directories – We will see where to advertise in the Directories in 2024.
6. 40th Annual of Cookie Spree- We had a great turnout with the Cookie Spree/Print Bazaar this year. Next year, we should put a “Free Trolley Rides” sign on the trolley.
7. Public Notice – We still have openings for the Cherokee-Lemp Board – Two vacancies are for a qualified owner of commercial, real property located within the District and one vacancy is for a qualified renter of commercial property within the District. Applications are available online at or can be obtained by online at
8. Adjournment
Next meeting is 9 am on January 4, 2024 at St. Louis Paranormal Research, 1820 Cherokee Street. We will notify you if we must cancel a meeting due to weather, the cancelled meeting will be made up. If you have any questions or concerns, contact John Brauer at or call 314-225-5519.