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Cherokee-Lemp Special Business District
January Minutes

Board Meeting was held on January 5, 2023 at 9AM

Location:  1820 Cherokee Street

               Office 102

               St. Louis, MO 63118



Cherokee-Lemp Special Business District
January 5, 2023
Status:  Approved

January 5, 2023

Commissioners Present – John Brauer, Shashi Palamand, Barb Moore, Mark Farley

Commissioners Absent – Mark Overton, Jeremy Miller

Guests Present – Lisa Otke, Emily Thenhaus, Keith Saunchegraw, Qiana Braxton, Larry Isom


1. Call to Order


2. Dan Guenther – Alderman – absent


3. Approval of December 1, 2022, Minutes – Shashi made a motion to approve the minutes, John 2nd, all in favor and the motion passed.


4. Treasure’s Report – John had copies of the Treasurer’s Report.


5. Status on Board Openings – Mark Farley has been approved.


6. Divesting of miscellaneous items in Cherokee-Lemp SBD – At our next meeting, Shashi will make a list of our miscellaneous items.


7. Web Page Update – - The domain name is too long. Discuss search engine operation (seo). There will be a tab at the top for information. We need to put the website address on the brochure.


8. 2023 Activities – A event proposal needs to be presented to the board. Mark can put an event form to fill out on the website.


9. E-mail Updates – If you want to be included on the email list, contact John Brauer.


10. Brochure Update – Let us know if you have updates for your listing in the brochure.


11. Bylaws Update- Shashi made a motion to update the address to 2110 Cherokee Street, John 2nd the motion, all in favor and the motion passed.  Shashi will send the updated bylaws to the Secretary of State. The revised bylaws will be on the website.


12. Quiana Baxton,, 314-657-1374 is the Neighborhood Improvement Specialist for Marine Villa and Larry Isom,, 314-657-1376 is the NIS for Benton Park. Please call them if you have any problems concerning the neighborhood.


13. Lisa Otke – We should look at St. Louis Missouri Main Street Research.


14. Adjournment 


Next meeting is 9 am on February 2, 2023, at St. Louis Paranormal Research, 1820 Cherokee Street. 

We will notify you if we must cancel a meeting due to bad weather, the cancelled meeting will be made up. If you have any questions or concerns, contact John Brauer at or call 314-225-5519.

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